understanding anxiety
Learn about anxiety symptoms and causes and the strategies you can implement to help manage your anxiety
what is happening to me?
Symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety is an emotion. It can result in various unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms which can include:
- Increased heart rate or heart palpitations
- Increased rate of breathing (hyperventilation)
- Feeling restless, nervous, or wound-up
- Feeling fatigued easily or more tired than usual
- Sweating
- Feeling panicked
- Experiencing an impending sense of danger, doom, or things being 'out of control'
- Shaking or trembling
- Unexplained pains such as headaches or stomach aches
- Intrusive repetitive thoughts that seem difficult to control
- Catastrophizing (thinking of the worst case scenario)
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability
- Insomnia (difficulty going to sleep, waking throughout the night, waking early)
Whilst these symptoms can commonly arise in response to a situation we perceive as dangerous or threatening (i.e. an extreme weather event, an important exam, a road rage incident, or even a job interview), they usually subside once the stressor has passed. Experiencing these symptoms for a prolonged period may indicate the presence of excessive anxiety or an anxiety disorder.
What causes anxiety?
Having an anxious reaction to a perceived or imagined threat is actually a survival mechanism! You may have heard of the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response that prepares us to deal with impending danger. When this response happens, the body releases hormones that increase our heart rate and blood flow to the muscles. Additionally, functions that could impede our survival such as digestion and sleep are shut-down. Our body is now ready to deal with the danger head-on (fight), escape from the danger (flight), 'fake our own death' (freeze), or appease and pacify the aggressor (fawn).
"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained."
Arthur Somers Roche, Writer"Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems."
Epictetus, Ancient Philosopher“Anxiety is a lot like a toddler. It never stops talking, tells you you’re wrong about everything, and wakes you up at 3 a.m.”
The Diathesis-Stress Model
One way of explaining why some people develop anxiety is through the diathesis-stress model (pictured here). This psychological theory explains that a psychological disorder can result from the combination of a person's genes and the stress that they experience in life.
As some people are born with an increased vulnerability to developing anxiety, they may develop an anxiety disorder in response to a much lower level of stress than a person who was born with a higher stress tolerance. The take-home message here is that if you experience anxiety it is not your fault. We can't help the genes we are born with (yes - anxiety can run in families), nor can we control many of life's stressors. What we can learn to control however is how we respond to stress.
According to the Australian Burea of Statistics (ABS) almost half of all Australians between the ages of 16 and 85 years have experienced a mental disorder at some stage, and one in five people have suffered a mental disorder lasting for 12 months. Out of these mental disorders lasting for 12 months, anxiety is the most common condition. That equates to over two million Australians experiencing anxiety in the last year.
It's important to understand that your mental health impacts your physical health, wellbeing and overall functioning. Whilst it may give you some comfort to know that you are not alone in suffering from anxiety, seeking support and taking steps to address your condition increases your chance of recovery.
There are many ways to treat anxiety effectively. Apart from therapy and seeking support, there are strategies you may be able to implement into your daily routine to help ease your distress and suffering. If you'd like to get started please fill in your contact details below and I'll send you a freebie ' The Anti-Anxiety Guide'. This 16 page guide features my top 7 tips to help you overcome anxiety and get your life back.
Discover 7 Things That Can Help You Reduce Anxiety Right Away
Created by melissiah, clinical hypnotherapist
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How do I know if i need professional help?
- You feel that anxiety is controlling you
- Your anxiety is causing you emotional distress
- Your anxiety is manifesting as unpleasant physical symptoms such as headaches, muscular aches and pains, nausea, or gastrointestinal problems
- You avoid certain places or situations as a way of managing your anxiety
- You feel that work, relationships, or other aspects of your life are being negatively affected by anxiety
- You experience insomnia (in any stage of the sleep cycle) that is causing daytime sleepiness or inattention
- You have difficulty unwinding or relaxing, or feel on edge much of the time
- You engage in compulsive behaviour in response to obsessive anxiety-producing thoughts (i.e. a person may engage in excessive handwashing rituals due to intrusive thoughts about their hands being dirty or germ-ridden)
Please note that this practice is not equipped to provide crisis support. If you experience strong thoughts relating to self-harm, please seek help immediately.
This document lists contact details for 24/7 Mental Health Services including Emergency 000, Lifeline, Kids Helpline, Beyond Blue, MensLine Australia, Open Arms, and Suicide Call Back Service.
Click on the image to download the PDF.
how soon to a happier, healthier you?
Join me for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation to discuss how anxiety is impacting your life and the results you desire. You're welcome to ask any questions about your treatment options and what to expect in terms of progress. I'm here to listen, advise, and guide you towards the best solutions. If I can't help, I'll provide referrals to other trusted providers. Book your consultation today!
- Melissiah, Telehealth Therapist